Thursday, October 26, 2006


Salon 5 Summative Conference followup

You've just attended The Summative Conference. Let's continue the discussion. Here's some info on how to use this blog:
Enter your comments here under Salon 5 Summative Conference followup.
Participant Chat question #1:

Have all the students who don't like lectures left the seminaries?
Participant Chat question #2:

Do students want to hear experts speaking?
Participant Chat question #3:

What happens if they only want to listen to the experts and don't want to listen to each other?
Participant Chat question #4:

How does the reshaping of pedagogy via technology relate to the faculty call/vocation/gift of teaching?
Participant Chant question #5:

Do these "tools" threaten to mute those gifts and callings?
Participant Chat question #6:

Is lecturing is a demonstration of the gift of teaching?
Participant Chat question #7:

How can we implement more high tech and touch (formational exercises) that will expand the lecture only approach for graduate theological education?
Participant Chat question #8:

Have you seen Mary Hess' project: ?
Participant Chat question #9:

What if a professor is using technology to enhance their lectures (PPT, video) and does not appear to be reflecting on technology or pedagogy?
Participant Chat question #10:

If change is a 20 year cycle, how does this reflect on the outside academic world?
Participant Chat question #11:

As technology accelerates, how long can this cycle continue at that pace?
Participant Chat question #12:

Why aren't we living in a framework of abundance, instead of always thinking in terms of scarcity?
Participant Chat question #13:

I wonder if we have even processed the impact of this change from residential students in theological education?
Panel Note question #1:

What do theological schools have to contribute to thinking about technology and education in US and Canada?
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