Monday, February 05, 2007


Computer Camp Online Chart Extreme Makeover
Go to the link and see how a prof and some instructional technologists build a relationship in order to create a better Christology chart. Let's talk about other ways technology can improve theological teaching and learning. Please join the conversation.

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Please comment under Computer Camp Online Extreme Makeover.
I'd be most grateful for any feedback from those who have reviewed this project. As stated in the introduction, I am in the process of planning some revisions to the Christology chart, most notably, I want to add an introduction and some further explanations that would allow the chart to "stand alone," by which I mean that it could be accessed and used by the general public without having first had some kind of classroom introduction to the material. Thank you in advance for your comments.
A further request... when Cam & I first worked out the idea of Internet links, we used Wikipedia articles more or less as an illustration of what could be possible. Knowing the reservations some may have about this source, I would like to consider other sites that would have excellent summaries of some of the main characters &/or positions outlined on the chart. If you have some favorite sites that you would like to suggest, please do so... I will review and possibly use. Thanks.
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